Role of SFX in an Explainer Video

Role of SFX in an explainer video, Explainers,, Explainer video, sfx, sfx work for explainer video

There is no denying the fact that visuals catch our immediate attention in any video we watch. But but but….it just takes one click of the mute button to tell exactly how important sound effects (also known as SFX) are for getting hooked on to a video. Explainer videos are no exception to this! Sound effects, such as car horns, footsteps, gunshots and general ambient noise lend a sense of realism to a video.

So make sure whatever actions characters perform in the video, reinforce these actions with the sounds that people are used to hearing. This keeps the audience engaged and helps them to interpret the message of your explainer video. So if you’re character is flipping pages of a book, include that sound to bring the video to life.

Let’s look at some basic rules which need to be kept in mind while deciding on sound effects.

Add sound to movements

It’s obvious that everything that moves makes sound. So, if something is moving in the frame, ask yourself whether it makes sense to add a sound effect. There can be an exception where a movement need not have a sound effect. The catch lies in understanding that!

Don’t overdo the effects

Overdoing anything kills the fun! And yes, sound effects can do that too. So, don’t let sounds effects overpower the story. Watch the final video carefully, and if you find yourself paying more attention to the sound than to the narrative, that’s a good indicator your sound effect are too loud. So simply reduce the volume of the effects wherever required to make it work.

Be fun and playful

Don’t hesitate to add sounds which support a scene even without being a part of it. For instance, adding an animal sound doesn’t necessarily require the animal to be there in the story. The best explainer videos use these effects to enhance the imagination of the viewers and they add a fun element to the video too!

Connect with emotions

We are often left shaken when we hear the sky thundering. It makes us think of danger. Similarly when birds chirp early morning, it puts us into a happy mode. Same goes for videos, sounds help generate emotions immediately. So, whether your intent to make one feel happy, sad, jealous, terrified, anything! Just choose a relevant sound with the scene for the right emotional response.

Why not learn it from a well made animated explainer video! Watch it here:

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